Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cake- Showroom of Compassion

I enjoyed hearing Cake's lead singer John McCrea actually sing most of the tracks on Showroom of Compassion rather than use the low talking vocal style that saturates Cake's earlier works. Cake's sixth album starts out really interestingly. Right away I felt certain that Showroom of Compassion would finally leave me with a Cake album I could get 100% behind. This is where I got let down. I love the beats and the instruments - in fact, amazing instrumentals are one of the things Cake always delivers - but after three tracks the album had already lost its novelty. Lyrically, Showroom of Compassion is boring. It is as if the singer just simply finds catchy phrases and repeats it for four minutes and calls it a track. I know Cake lovers are going to rip into me for being so critical of the new album, but honestly it just feels like it lacks real substance. If you are a huge Cake fan I can see you absolutely loving this album; if you’re not you'll find the same old thing with slightly better production and a pinch more soul.

Final Review- 65

1 comment:

  1. As you know, we disagree on this.

    I, of course, am a Cake lover (they are my favorite active band), so you are already aware that I wasn't going to be thrill(s, get it? That's a Cake song)ed with this review.

    I have to disagree about it lacking substance as you put it. This album has actually grown on me more with each subsequent listen, and I think that it does because there is more substance to it than is apparent on a cursoury listen.

    Anyway, perhaps (perhaps perhaps... get it, that's a Cake song!) we will just have to agree to disagree.
