Saturday, May 14, 2011

Architecture In Helsinki- Moment Blends

Moment Blends is an interesting album that incorporates some great use of synths and drum beats, ultimately making for a fun pop album. The opening track “Desert Island” has catchy musical elements that make it a strong start to the album. At times Architecture In Helsinki seems like they are stuck in this tween pop that can make their music appear empty, similar to the vibe that one would get from listening to Owl City. The big difference between the two are that Architecture In Helsinki brings it to a deeper and more interesting place with the unique use of instruments and overall creativity of the music. Moment Blends starts pretty strong and will keep your attention until a little over half way through.  Some of the songs on the latter half like “Everything’s Blue” are good, but it is a little boring. The sequencing of songs on Moment Blends is poor, and I feel that some of the vocal auto tuning can get old. A thing that would make Moment Blends better for me is if their lead singer Cameron Bird put a little more attitude and bass into his voice. Sure, some songs on this album are great, but as a whole Moment Blends is a pass.  

Final Review- 65

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