Perfect Darkness, as a title, fits the album pretty well with most of the tracks being pretty dark. Using acoustic guitars, low rumbling bass, and slow drum beats, Fink really delivers the melancholy feel very well. Even with no real let up on the mood I still find Perfect Darkness to just be such a great ride. The guitar work is incredible and is well complimented with Fin Greenall’s vocals. Every track slides easily into the next and just makes you want to keep listening, no matter how dark it gets. I would say this is one of the better albums I have heard this year. I started this project because I didn’t want to look back in January 2012 and find out that a fantastic album had slipped under my radar. This album is one of those fantastic albums I may have missed otherwise. I think that this album is a must listen for all and you should prepare yourself for a great emotional rollercoaster while listening.
Final Review- 90
Best Songs- Wheels, Perfect Darkness, Berlin Sinrise