Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Panic! At The Disco- Vices and Virtues

Let’s be honest here for a minute. Panic! at the Disco isn’t exactly what anyone would call a great or amazing band. What makes them decent to listen to is that they have great melodies and fun beats but as for deep lyrics or groundbreaking music Panic! at the Disco is not where you’re going to find it. Vices And Virtues dishes out what Panic! at the Disco does well and plays into the bands strengths. There are some semi-strong songs but as a whole the tracks on Vices And Virtues kind of blend together and not much stands out. If you’re looking for an album to work out to and not really pay attention to then Vices and Virtues is here for you. If you want any depth or meaning in your music listening then pass on this album.

Final Review- 50

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