Sunday, April 17, 2011

Agnes Obel- Philharmonics

Agnes Obel is a Danish singer and song writer who has won a lot of critical acclaim. Obel’s debut album Philharmonics has gone double platinum in Denmark and gold in France. After listening to Philharmonics myself I can say she is one of the better female singer songwriters I have heard and for this being her debut album it is pretty incredible. Agnes Obel has a very clean and pure sounding voice and even when it’s distorted you just can’t disguise how truly beautiful she sounds. Even though I believe Philharmonics to be breath taking and gorgeous there is its down side. The music is always so low and melodic that at times it lacks that little punch it would need to be a truly great album. I can see Philharmonics music making its way into TV shows and movie soundtracks. I wouldn’t say Philharmonics is an everyday type listen but it definitely has a lot of charm and should be given a chance.

Final Review- 85

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