Thursday, August 25, 2011

Jeff Bridges- Jeff Bridges

To say I was excited about this Jeff Bridges album is putting it lightly. I have been a fan of the actor from the first time I watched John Carpenter’s 1984 movie Starman, and a fan of his vocals since I heard him sing in Crazy Heart. From the beginning this album feels like a half attempt. Bridges’ vocals are in top shape but in most tracks they are pushed to the back or overproduced. It’s a real shame because his voice is pretty amazing on the few moments of certain tracks that you actually get to hear it. The music itself is subpar and the lyrics are a little bit of a joke to me. Every song has that typical country love found or love lost sound to it. I think I was expecting a completely different tone from him. The album isn’t a total waste. I think it will serve well for him to get his foot in the door but I would definitely like to see him work on his chops a little and get a new producer. All in all if you are a fan of the actor you might as well listen to it but for most this is a skip.

Final Review- 65

Best Songs- What A Little Bit Of Love Can Do, Blue Car, Maybe I Missed The Point

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